More often than not, visible signs of aging in the upper and lower eyelids can unintentionally make patients look stressed, unfriendly, or fatigued even after a full night’s sleep. Eyelid surgery is designed to smooth the contour around the eyes — often one of the first regions to be affected by aging — and restore a more open, refreshed, and youthful appearance. 

What Is Blepharoplasty?

Eyelid surgery, commonly known as “blepharoplasty,” is a powerful option to reduce signs of aging and exhaustion around the eyes, such as puffiness, under-eye bags, drooping skin, and wrinkling. This can allow patients to look brighter and more youthful, often dramatically improving their entire facial appearance. Since aging impacts the upper and lower eyelids in distinctive ways, blepharoplasty is typically offered in two variations: upper and lower eyelid surgery. Both procedures are frequently performed together to more extensively rejuvenate the upper face, but Dr. Tom Liu and Dr. Jerome Liu — our board-certified plastic surgeons — can develop an ideal treatment plan for you based on your concerns and desires. 

What Can Be Accomplished With Eyelid Surgery?

Blepharoplasty can correct many anatomical factors causing the upper face to look aged, such as protruding fat, excess skin, and drooping tissue. This facial plastic surgery procedure can minimize or completely resolve concerns including:

  • Upper eyelid “hooding”
  • Drooping or wrinkled skin
  • Puffiness and under-eye bags

When the upper eyelids lose elasticity and begin to droop, excess skin can gather on the corners of the eyes as well as the upper lash line. In some cases, this lax tissue can droop into a patient’s line of sight and potentially interfere with their peripheral vision. Blepharoplasty can alleviate this upper eyelid “hooding” and smooth the region while restoring the full scope of vision. 

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Is Eyelid Surgery Right For Me?

If you believe you look more tired than you actually feel, or if people mistakenly perceive you as exhausted or angry, blepharoplasty may be a solution to help you appear more alert, friendly, and energetic. In assessing whether you may benefit from eyelid surgery, Dr. Tom Liu or Dr. Jerome Liu will conduct a facial analysis to observe signs of aging in the upper and lower eyelids. Even if patients only plan to treat one region, an evaluation of both eyelids is necessary since the upper and lower eyelids age together. After discussing your concerns and overall goals, your plastic surgeon will develop a treatment plan completely personalized to your unique needs. 

Types Of Blepharoplasty

Upper Blepharoplasty

Upper eyelid surgery can make the eyes appear more open and alert by removing excess skin and repositioning extra fat. “Hooding” and puffiness can be corrected, smoothing the entire eyelid contour and producing a more refreshed look. This procedure typically takes 45 to 60 minutes to perform. Incisions are placed inconspicuously within the natural crease of the upper eyelid.  

Lower Blepharoplasty

During lower blepharoplasty, incisions are either placed discreetly on the eyelid or internally, along the lower lash line. From this entry point, bulging or herniated fat creating the appearance of eye bags can be removed or repositioned to reduce puffiness. This can also help reduce dark circles under the eyes. Combined with upper eyelid surgery, lower blepharoplasty generally takes 90 minutes to two hours to perform depending on the complexity of the procedure. 

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What Is Recovery From Blepharoplasty Like?

Recovery after eyelid surgery varies from patient to patient, but most individuals feel well enough to resume light activities within two to three days. Swelling, bruising, and tenderness are expected, but should naturally resolve as the healing process progresses. After approximately one week, patients are often able to return to non-strenuous work as long as their responsibilities are not physically demanding. It can take two to four weeks before it’s safe to resume exercise and strenuous labor; rest assured that Dr. Tom Liu and Dr. Jerome Liu will give you personal medical advice regarding activity restrictions based on your unique rate of healing. They will also monitor your progress in periodic follow-up appointments. 

Blepharoplasty can help you present a more rested and energetic aesthetic by refreshing the eyelid contours. To learn more about the procedure, or if you’re ready to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tom Liu or Dr. Jerome Liu, please contact SVIA today. 

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