A brow lift is an ideal surgery for patients who have a heavy, overhanging brow; eyebrows that have sagged below the brow bone; or excess skin on the upper eyelids. When this surgery is performed by the talented surgical team at SVIA, the end result is an elegant enhancement that lasts for years, appearing fully natural, not overdone.

What is a brow lift?

A brow lift is a custom surgery and has several different surgical approaches. 

Endoscopic brow lift

The surgery is often performed endoscopically, with tiny incisions placed within the hairline, through which an endoscope is inserted. Small surgical tools, guided by real-time images on a monitor, will be used to lift and tighten the tissues before they're anchored in place with stitches.

Coronal brow lift

For more extensive brow lift procedures, the incision may run from ear to ear, hidden within the hairline, through which the brow is lifted, and excess skin and tissue removed.

Hairline brow lift

For those who have a higher hairline that affects facial balance, a hairline brow lift can be performed. The incision will be placed at the hairline itself, to lower the hairline and create a more appealing facial appearance.

Temporal brow lift

This approach is less extensive, and corrects the outer third position of the brows to create a more appealing, arched look.

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Is a brow lift right for you?

If you are considering a brow lift, you want to ensure that your procedure is performed by a leading plastic surgeon. This surgery requires a precise approach to create the ideal balance that appears natural and elegant. If you are in good general health and have any of these aesthetic concerns, you are likely a suitable candidate for this custom surgery at SVIA:

  • Visibly creased forehead
  • Excess skin on the upper eyes
  • Eyebrows that have drifted below the brow bone
  • Eyebrows that have lost their youthful arch
  • Frown lines between your brows
  • High forehead
  • Overhanging brow

Why choose SVIA for a brow lift?

Facial surgeries, including brow lifts, should be performed by a talented plastic surgeon that is focused on achieving the most natural-looking result. At SVIA, you will discover a team that is compassionate, professional, informative, and approachable. Our goal is to elevate your aesthetic. Dr. Jerome Liu and Dr. Tom Liu helm our practice as board-certified, fellowship-trained plastic surgeons. The entire hand-selected team at SVIA is passionate about the art of plastic surgery and works to inspire a positive change with custom-performed brow lift surgeries that create beautiful results.

What to expect: Brow lift surgery at SVIA in Sacramento

At SVIA, we will work closely with you to plan your surgery, and you can expect concierge-style service from start to finish. We are driven to exceed the highest standards in plastic surgery in an ethical and conscientious fashion. Depending on the appropriate surgical approach, you can expect: 

Endoscopic brow lift procedure

Most brow lift surgeries are performed endoscopically. You will be under anesthesia, often local and intravenous sedation rather than general anesthesia, and will not experience any discomfort. In this approach, small incisions are placed within the hairline where they will be virtually invisible once healed. Special surgical tools are used to gently elevate the brow tissues. The procedure takes one to two hours to complete. 

Coronal brow lift procedure

This surgical approach may be appropriate for those who have deep brow creases, excess fat, an overhanging brow, and deeply etched frown lines. The incision is from brow to brow, hidden within the hairline, through which excess skin is removed and the tissues elevated. This surgery takes one to two hours to complete and is generally performed under general anesthesia. 

Hairline brow lift

This surgery is performed to lower the hairline to create a more attractive facial balance. The surgery is a precision procedure, customized for the individual, and is performed under general anesthesia, requiring about one to two hours to complete. 

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Restore confidence that you look your best at SVIA.

A brow lift, when performed by the talented plastic surgeons at SVIA, will help you look and feel your best. Every member of our professional team focuses on ensuring your journey is positive, inspiring, and personalized, with an exceptional level of support.

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