What is DAXXIFY?

DAXXIFY is a clinically proven, safe neuromodulator for patients who want longer-lasting results regarding smoother, more youthful-looking skin. DAXXIFY is FDA-approved to achieve results by temporarily relaxing the muscles that cause wrinkles to appear. It works the same way that BOTOX and other wrinkle relaxers do. 

DAXXIFY is made from a safe, low dose of a botulinum toxin, a purified protein. Used as an injectable treatment, DAXXIFY acts as a temporary muscle relaxant. DAXXIFY is uniquely formulated with innovative Peptide Exchange Technology™, effectively stabilizes the results. This is why DAXXIFY is so much more long-lasting than other wrinkle relaxers.

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What Causes Wrinkles?

Repetitive contractions of the muscles in the face cause wrinkles to form. Facial motions and expressions, such as yawning, chewing, frowning, smiling, squinting, and others are made every day. As we age and our skin loses some of its youthful elasticity, these repeated contractions cause the muscles to remain tensed and wrinkles to form.

When DAXXIFY is injected into the muscles that make these repeated motions, the muscles are forced to relax. This results in smoother, more youthful and rejuvenated-looking skin.

Your DAXXIFY experience at SVIA Sacramento

DAXXIFY treatments are a “lunchtime treatment” that lasts for only about 20-30 minutes. 24 hours before your treatment, don’t take blood-thinning medications such as aspirin or other blood-thinning supplements. Blood-thinning products can cause bruising. On the day of your treatment, don’t use makeup or face creams. 

Before your treatment, we will cleanse the treatment area. We will then carefully inject DAXXIFY into the exact muscles that are causing wrinkles. 

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Recovery After DAXXIFY Injections

After DAXXIFY, no downtime or recovery period is needed. Patients can resume their usual activities and daily routine, aside from strenuous exercise. Minor side effects are common, such as redness, minimal swelling, or small red bumps where you were injected. These effects fade quickly.

Less common side effects may include flu-like symptoms, bruising, temporary facial weakness, or temporary facial drooping.

After your treatment, wait two days before you massage or manipulate the injection area, expose yourself to any form of extreme heat, spend time in direct sunlight, or exercise heavily.

Wrinkle-free skin that lasts months longer with DAXXIFY!  

Once the results of your DAXXIFY treatment appear, which will be a couple of days to a week, you will see the smoother, more youthful-looking skin you desire. Wrinkles and fine lines disappear and your appearance is refreshed and rejuvenated. 

The best thing is that DAXXIFY results last far longer than any other neuromodulator available. While BOTOX and other wrinkle relaxers last for three to four months, you will be able to enjoy your youthful results from DAXXIFY for six to nine months. This breakthrough in the aesthetic field is why DAXXIFY is such an exciting treatment.

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Who is a Candidate for DAXXIFY Treatments?

Candidates for DAXXIFY can be either younger or older. DAXXIFY works as a preventative treatment for younger patients who haven’t developed wrinkles yet. Using a wrinkle relaxer to stop wrinkles and lines from appearing before they form is called “prejuvenation.” 

For older patients whose wrinkles have already formed, DAXXIFY works as a rejuvenation treatment. 

DAXXIFY is also for people looking for a comprehensive rejuvenation treatment that sculpts and plumps the features. 

In this case, DAXXIFY is combined with dermal fillers or a surgical procedure.

Generally, candidates for DAXXIFY should meet the following requirements:

  • Are in good health
  • Are not pregnant or nursing
  • Do not have any type of outbreak in the treatment area, such as a rash or infections
  • Are not allergic to the ingredients of DAXXIFY
  • Do not have a history of neuromuscular disease
Dr. Tom Liu in a suit, smiling.

Why Choose SVIA Sacramento for DAXXIFY Treatments? 

Wrinkle relaxer treatments require an experienced professional to achieve natural-looking, nuanced results. Done correctly, your DAXXIFY treatments will achieve a renewed, refreshed appearance that looks like the authentic you. 

At SVIA Sacramento, our practitioners have years of experience and a comprehensive understanding of neuromodulators. They are practiced in the fine points of facial harmony and aesthetics. You can expect precise treatments, artistry, and rejuvenated results. Please call today for a consultation about your DAXXIFY treatments at SVIA Sacramento.

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