Whereas implants were traditionally utilized to enhance the backside, a Brazilian Butt Lift — or simply “BBL” — can offer a safer, more advanced approach to buttock augmentation that feels more natural and comfortable than previous techniques. Our fellowship-trained plastic surgeons can personalize a BBL treatment plan to improve flat or sagging buttocks and achieve your desired silhouette.

What Can A Brazilian Butt Lift Do For Me?

There are many patients who associate a firm, round, or plump buttocks with youthfulness and a fit, active lifestyle. A Brazilian Butt Lift can make this aesthetic a reality by using micro-fat grafting injections to create a firmer, rounder, or more prominent buttocks. These injections are designed to collect excess tissue from a fat-rich region of the body, after which the harvested fat is reinjected into the buttocks. In general, a BBL can:

  • Volumize, firm, and enhance the buttocks
  • Provide a more sensual silhouette
  • Achieve a more defined buttock contour
  • Remove excess, sagging skin

Improve the proportions of the buttocks in relation to the rest of the body
BBL also provides dual body sculpting benefits by allowing patients to contour another region of the body — typically the thighs, abdomen, or hips — with liposuction. This can slim and smooth the donor site of one’s fat grafting injections in conjunction with volumizing the buttocks.

Who Is A Candidate For A Brazilian Butt Lift?

Good candidates for a Brazilian Butt Lift may wish to improve a flat, small, or sagging buttocks without the use of an implant or dermal fillers. Patients interested in surgery should also be relatively healthy and harbor realistic expectations about what a BBL can achieve. Since smoking can compromise the survival of the transferred fat, our plastic surgeons advise refraining from tobacco use for at least four weeks before surgery. Dr. Tom Liu and Dr. Jerome Liu will be able to answer all of your questions and concerns about the BBL procedure during your consultation, where they will listen to your goals and recommend the best treatment options to attain your desired aesthetic.

To further improve the outcome of a Brazilian Butt Lift, Dr. Tom Liu and Dr. Jerome Liu also encourage patients to engage in exercises that strengthen the gluteal muscles in the weeks leading up to their procedure.

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How Is The Brazilian Butt Lift Procedure Performed?

A Brazilian Butt Lift generally involves two parts: the collection of excess fat through liposuction, and the re-injection of fatty tissue into the buttocks. Your plastic surgeon will first use a narrow cannula to extract the fat from a predetermined location.

The fat is then purified, processed, and prepared for transfer into the targeted regions of the buttocks. A small syringe is then used to inject small amounts of fat in a grid-like pattern, helping ensure even and symmetrical enhancement.

If excess skin is being removed to reduce a sagging look, this component will also be incorporated into your treatment plan. Some volume improvements are often noticeable right after surgery, but the full results of your augmentation should unfold in the year following your procedure.

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What Is Recovery From A Brazilian Butt Lift Like?

A compression garment is typically worn after surgery to facilitate your new contours and reduce swelling in the buttocks. While one to two days of bed rest is usually necessary after a Brazilian Butt Lift, patients often return to normal activities within five to seven days. Any discomfort during the recovery period is usually well-managed with over-the-counter or prescribed pain medications. Exercise and strenuous activity should be avoided for at least three weeks.

Dr. Tom Liu or Dr. Jerome Liu will provide you with detailed instructions regarding activity restrictions, incision care, and information on post-operative healing. A Brazilian Butt Lift can be a highly effective technique to plump and firm the buttocks without a gluteal implant. If you’re considering buttock augmentation, a consultation with our plastic surgeons may be the first step towards attaining your ideal lower body contour. Please contact SVIA to schedule an appointment, or to speak with a member of our team.

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